Networked Augmented Virtual Environment (NAVE) Group
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Research Projects

   On-going Projects:

  1. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 62272018. 2023-2026. PI: Zhong Zhou 

   On-going Projects with detailed name:

  1. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.62272018. 2023-2026. "虚实融合与视觉理解结合的多相机场景感知与预测". PI: Zhong Zhou

   Past Projects:

  1. National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No.2018YFB2100601. 2019-2022. "城市空间采集、建模与虚实融合动态仿真共性技术". PI: Zhong Zhou
  2. National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No.2018YFB2100603. 2019-2022. "城市日常管理数据汇聚融合与事件动态仿真". co PI: Wei Wu
  3. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61872023. 2019-2022. "基于图像语义理解的场景三维恢复". PI: Zhong Zhou
  4. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61872024. 2019-2022. "基于虚实场景融合的跨相机目标重识别与轨迹关联技术". PI: Wei Wu
  5. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61572061. 2016-2019. "面向跨相机跟踪的场景几何-语义联合理解与关联". PI: Zhong Zhou
  6. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61472020. 2015-2018. "Research of Dynamic Flame Reconstruction with Multidimensional Physical Properties". PI: Wei Wu
  7. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61502020. 2015-2018. "The Real-Time Delivery of Multi-User Panorama Videos". PI: Yuehua Wang
  8. National 863 Program of China under Grant No.2015AA016403. 2015-2017. "Mixed Reality based Dynamic Evolution". PI: Wei Wu
  9. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61170188. 2012-2015. "Real-Time Tele-Presence of Non-Rigid Deformation". PI: Zhong Zhou
  10. National 863 Program of China under Grant No.2012AA011803. 2012-2015. "Natural Phenomena Capturing, Simulation and Applications". PI: Zhong Zhou
  11. National 973 Program of China under Grant No.2009CB320805. 2009-2013. "Mixed Reality Engine and Systems". PI: Qinping Zhao, Zhong Zhou
  12. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61073070. 2011. "Real-Time 3D Reconstruction and Relevance Transmission in Multi-User Tele-Immersion". PI: Zhong Zhou
  13. China Next Gerneration Internet Application and Business Project (CNGI2008-123) . 2008-2010.  "NGI Virtual Reality Collaborative Research Environment". PI: Zhong Zhou
  14. Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60603084. 2006-2009.  "Reliable Multicast Service and Algorithms for Large-Scale Distributed Interactive Simulation". PI: Zhong Zhou
  15. National 863 Program of China under Grant No.2006AA01Z331. 2006-2009. "Large-Scale Scalable Distributed Virtual Environment Run-Time Infrastructure". PI: Zhong Zhou
  16. National 973 Program of China under Grant No.2002CB312100. 2002-2006. "Distributed Virtual Environment". PI: Wei Wu
  17. China Next Gerneration Internet Project (CNGI-04-15-8A) . 2005-2006.  "High Quality Video Transmission and Shared Virtual Reality based on IPv6". PI: Wei Wu

Award 获奖

2018年,周颐等发表的论文“MR Video Fusion: Interactive 3D Modeling and Stitching on Wide-baseline Videos”获ACM VRST 2018 Forum8 Award
2018年,薛子璇等发表的论文“Anomaly Detection Exploiting Tracking Trajectory in Surveillance Video”获 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV 2018) 最佳论文奖
2020年,熊源、王静茹、陈虹睿,第三届虚拟现实技术及应用创新大赛高校创新组 特等奖
2020年,楚程翔、杨元哲、黄丹阳,第三届虚拟现实技术及应用创新大赛高校创新组 二等奖
2018年,姜那、白思晨、孙晨新、徐越,第五届中国研究生智慧城市技术与创新设计大赛智能技术挑战赛 三等奖
2018年,闫飞虎、夏恩勇、温佳伟、吕文官、余亦豪、柳晨辉,国际虚拟现实技术及应用创新大赛高校组 三等奖
2017年,姜那、刘俊琦、孙晨新、徐越,第四届中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛 二等奖
2017年,谭冲、余亦豪、吕伟、孟明,第四届中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛 二等奖
2016年,姜那、刘灏、刘俊琦,第三届中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛智能技术挑战赛 三等奖
2016年,周尧、闫飞虎、余亦豪、谭力允,第三届中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛智能技术挑战赛 三等奖

Standards 参与标准制定


1.周忠参与, 中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部、中华人民共和国工业和信息化部, 《虚拟现实工程技术人员国家职业技术技能标准(2021年版)》, 职业编码:2-02-10-14, 2021年10月

2.周忠参与, 中国软件行业协会团体标准T/SIA 021-2021. 《实景三维空间采集重建的虚拟现实(VR)技术指南》. 2021年3月26日发布

3.周忠、卓政、周颐等参与,国家标准 GB/T 38258-2019.《信息技术 虚拟现实应用软件基本要求和评测方法》. 2019年12月10日发布

4.周忠、周颐等参与,国家标准 GB/T 38247-2019.《信息技术 增强现实 术语》. 2019年10月18日发布 

International Patents 国际专利


  1. Zhong Zhou, Jingdi You, Jin Yang, Yi Zhou, Wei Wu. Method for 3D scene structure modeling and camera registration from single image. US9942535B2. 2018-04-10 Application Granted. 
  2. Qinping Zhao, Zhong Zhou, Tao Yu, Chang Xin. Light field illuminating method, device and system. US20170134701A1. 2018-03-20 Application Granted.

Mixed Reality, IoT&Smart City

   Our team, together with collaborators from Goer Tech, Bigview Tech, CAS, etc., work on this field of Mixed Reality, IoT&Smart City. Our research topics includes, 

  • semantic image matching;
  • semantic SLAM;
  • 3D reconstruction from a single image;
  • Mixed Reality;
  • Mixed Reality 3D Earth, web 3D GIS;
  • VR/AR devices;
  • Distributed virtual environment.

Artificial Intelligence

   Our work in Artificial Intelligence includes a series of deep learning based image/VR technologies:

  • person re-identification, car re-identification; 
  • face recognition; 
  • semantic segmentation; 
  • multiple object tracking; 
  • large-scale camera network topology based on spatio-temporal connectivity; 
  • collaboration work in Baidu Apollo Scape dataset. 

Past: Natural Phenomena Simulation

   fliuds, flames, and lights. We have developed fliud-solid coupling, HDR camera, flame reconstruction, and light field devices. Please refer to the papers.

Past: Light Field Illumination

   How to generate a light field in the real world? Could it be an alternative means to the graphics-based rendering? That's what our research to find out. Please refer to the paper presented in IEEE VR 2015.

  • Light Field Projection for Lighting Reproduction 

    We propose a novel approach to generate 4D light field in the physical world for lighting reproduction. The light field is generated by projecting lighting images on a lens array. We capture light probe images as the data source of the light field projection, based on which the lighting reproduction is implemented. The reproduced illumination can produce realistic lighting result on real objects, avoiding the complex process of geometric and material modeling.  pdf     demo

Past: Augmented VE

   We have worked on video object segmentation and recognition, the real-time sharing of 3D/4D meshes, mixing the video objects with virtual environments, and some gadgets. Please refer to the papers.

Past Projects in history

       We have completed several projects and developed some software during the first 10 years of 21 century. BH RTI, from 2001-2010,  has more than four hundred user affliations in China. The last version of BH RTI is 2.4, and we don't have plans for future update. Since the web server of BH RTI is lost, sorry that we cannot provide support/services for it any more.

     课题组研制了分布交互仿真开发与运行平台BH HLA/RTI,解决了仿真应用程序的快速开发支持和大规模、多盟员、跨路由仿真应用的有效运行等问题,在支撑规模和效率方面,比当时在国内销售的同类国际商业软件高1-2个数量级,在一些行业和部门代替了国外软件,取得了多项重要应用。从2005年开始,同步发布了Lite版本供有需求单位使用,有各类用户单位超过 400 家推动和影响了一批机构的仿真研发进程。2008 年原信产部通信模拟验证中心组织的测试中,通过了跨北京、上海、 武汉 3 个城市、1200 个节点的分布交互仿真测试。2009年在科学出版社出版《分布式虚拟环境》;2012 年澳大利亚国防科技委 在 SimTecT 2012 报告中将 BH RTI 列为国际上主要的八个 RTI 之一进行介绍。 



Networked Augmented Virtual Environment (NAVE) research group